

The magic and the usage of it plays a crucial role in the Bestia universe. The users should be able to be deeply involved into magic spell creation and research.

There is a difference between the Master Skills and the attacks/skills of a Bestia: The master skills are based on a skill tree while the attacks of a Bestia are learned automatically when reaching the designated level.

The system must allow the user to describe or discover newly innovative ways to combine spells. Yet the research should be fun and entertaining. Bestias can learn attacks by two means:

  1. Level Up - Each Bestia has a internal list of attacks she will learn when gaining levels. This is different from Bestia to Bestia. The same attack can be learned at different levels for different Bestia.
  2. Spell Discovery - The player can try to “invent/discover” new attacks which then can be tried to be learned to a Bestia.

Each Bestia skill is characterized by its level and magic school.

Magic Schools

All skill are divided into the three schools of magic: Arcane, Black or White Magic. These schools might be important if certain spells are increased via a learned skill.

Arcane Magic

This describes ‘trickster’ magic. It can be illusion spells, utility spells like generating food or shelter. There might be some rare kind of damaging spells but usually they contain transmutations and other fancy spell effects.

Black Magic

Mostly damaging spells which are meant to inflict harm. These might be damaging spells or spells which directly inflict damage or harming status of its receiver like lowering defense or status values.

White Magic

The Healing, Buff or protection spells. These also contain detection of spells and neutralization spells of magic. generally all kind of protection, healing or improving stati fall into the domain of white magic.

Learning Attacks

Attacks are either learned via leveling up, vie the Spell Discovery skill or via Spell Scrolls which can be created by the players themselves (but should be rather expensive).

For leveling up a Bestia a general rule of thumb is:

  1. A Bestia should have about 25 skills.
  2. About 20 of the attacks should be learned from level 1 - 70. The last 5 of the attacks between level 71 - 100.

Spell Discovery

Spells can be discovered by the player. If he has the skill Spell Discovery. The maximum attack learnable by the skill level is given in the table below.

Spell Discovery Lv. max. Skill Level Discoverable
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
7 70
8 80
9 90
10 100

To discover a spell an aspect is chosen like ‘White Magic’, ‘Black Magic’ or ‘Arcane Magic’.

Spell Enscription

If the player owns the skill Spell Enscription he can attach the spell to scrolls or even to other entities.

After a spell has been materialized and bound to some kind of magic containment it can be used by the owner. Spells of a higher level are of course far harder to handle. Attaching or handling such spells could produce unwanted side effects depending on the spell (some spells might create explosions, others might teleport something away or randomly heal bystanders etc.)

Spell Binding

Most if not each entity/object in the game world have slots and triggers to which spells can be attached to. If the player has the skill Spell Binding he can discover such slots and triggers on entities as well as trying to bind spells to such entities.

Trigger Types

  • Entity entering or leaving range
  • Special Entity entering or leaving range (Name, Type etc.)
  • Presence of Magic rising of falling
  • Weather Conditions
  • Time
  • Spell Cast in Range

Detection of Magic

If the user has learned Detect Magic. The detection itself is easier if the spell is more powerful. However precautions can be used to avoid the spell getting detected. If more than one spell is attached to an object the less powerful spells are harder to detect.