Status Values
Status Values are the base values from which the basics for all ingame calculations are performed. There are four main types of values: Base Values, Status Valus, Condition Values and Effort Values. The Status Based Values (SBV) play a special role.
The sophisticated status system describes the current state of an bestia (or simply any living entity) and does not strictly apply only to biological entities. The status system is important to calculate all battle related effects in the game.
The status system knows the following different attributes. These attributes are directly used to calculate the gameplay effects like battle outcomes or skill usages.
Status values are calculated like so:
str = (baseStr * 2 + ivStr + effStr / 4) * level / 100 + 5
The caluclation differs for mana and HP calculation thought:
maxHp = baseHp * 2 + ivHp + effHp / 4 * level / 100 + 10 + level
maxMana = baseMana * 2 + ivMana + effMana / 4 * level / 100 + 10 + level * 2
Intelligence (INT)
- Main influence value for magic domain related effects and power/damage of magic based attacks and skills.
- Increases the duration of magical effects from the player (buffs, skills, etc)
- Increases the total amount of available mana
Willpower (WIL)
- Increases resistance against enemy spells and magic effects.
- Increases mana regeneration over time
- Increases the duration of magic effects from the player
- Reduces cast duration of spells
- Increases slightly the stamina regeneration
- Increases slightly the total amount of stamina
- Slightly increases resistance against temperature
Strength (STR)
- Increases damage of physical attacks (and slightly the damage of distance attacks)
- Increases carry capacity
- Increases the maximum HP amount slightly
- Increases the maximum stamina amount slightly
Vitality (VIT)
- Reduces the damage of physical attacks
- Increases the HP regeneration over time
- Increases the maximum amount of HP
- Increases the stamina regeneration
- Increases the maximim amount of stamina
- Increases resistence against temperature
Dexterity (DEX)
- Increases the hitchance of physical based attacks
- Increases the probability of a critical hit
- Increases the damage of a distance attack
Agility (AGI)
- Increases the attack rate
- Increases the walking speed
- Increases the dodge chance (flee rate) for physical attacks (melee and distance)
Condition Values
The Condition Values resemble the current condition of a entity.
Stamina (STA)
- If stamina drops to low the walkspeed of the Bestia decreases
- From 30% stamina to 0% stamina the walkspeed linearly decreases by 50%.
- It gives resistance against environmental factors
- A stamina below 10% stops the mana and HP generation
- A stamina below 5% leads to a slow HP drop over time
- 0.3% of max HP loss every tick (leads to death in about 8h real time)
- Stamina can be regenerated by resting in a safe spot or by using items
- HP is the life energy of a Bestia or entity. If the HP reaches 0 the Bestia is killed
- Mana is the energy needed to cast spells or abilities. The more mana the Bestia has the more or bigger spells she can cast
Effort Values
Upon level up of a Bestia it gains Gain Points which the player is free to distribute into his Effort Values to any of the status values. One point into the effort value will directly add 1 point to the respective Status Value.
Once spend these points are fixed and can not re-distributed anymore (there might be quests or NPC which are able to reset these values in a certain amount).
The gain points for a level up is calculated like this:
effGain = 5 + floor(reachedLevel / 2)
The amount of Gain Points the player needs to spend, to rise a Effort Value is calculated like:
effGainNeeded = max(1, (nextEffValue / 3)
Status Based Values
The status based values (SBVs) are important numbers used throughout the system to determine for example the walk speed or attack speed of an entity.
Individual Values
The individual value IVs are generated when the Bestia spawns and makes this somewhat random. Its possible to find better or worst Bestia. By breeding Bestia this IVs are subject to manipulation by the player and it is possible to make stronger Bestia in a controlled way.
Base Values
Every Bestia has Base Values upon which the status values are calculated. With setting these values some baseline for status values can be controlled from the designer. Every status has its designated base value.
For other non Bestia based entities like items or buildings etc. base values are usually generated via a ruleset.
Effective Status Values
The effective status values a calculated by the base values and effort values of each bestia. These values are set when the entity is instanced. For other non Bestia entities like non living objects or NPCs the status values might just get assigned by a simpler mechanism.
Usually the equipment or buffs (status effects) will alter the status points directly or indirectly. Both alterations are called status effects and might be semi-permanent (as long as the equip is worn) or temporarily (when the buff runs out).
The effective status values are taken into account when game calculations are performed.